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J Neurocrit Care 2008;1(1): 79-82.
신경계 질환에서의 저체온요법의 적용
한형수, 한형수
경북대학교 의과대학 생리학교실
Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neurologic Diseases
Hyung Soo Han, MD, PhD Hyung Soo Han, MD, PhD
Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
The use of hypothermia for a variety of therapeutic purposes has a long history. Hippocrates recommended the use of topical cooling to stop bleeding. When the effects of hypothermia on systemic oxygen use was known at 1950s, the use of systemic hypothermia became a commonly used modality in cardiac surgery. In the early 1990s, it was found that mild hypothermia had benefit for the brain of cardiac arrest patients. Since then, there was a burst of researches in many other brain injury conditions. Most striking progress of therapeutic hypothermia was achieved in the area of cardiac arrest resuscitation in the past decades. In addition, many clinical trials on a variety of brain diseases are undergoing these days. Even though there are many things to overcome the current barrier against the use of hypothermia in clinical situation, the development of new modalities will improve the outcome and reduce the side effects of hypothermia in the near future.
Key Words: Hypothermia·Brain injury·Neuroprotection
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Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia in Cardiac Arrest  2010 December;3(Suppl 2)
Therapeutic Hypothermia  2009 November;2(Suppl 2)
Therapeutic Hypothermia in the Intensive Care Unit  2014 June;7(1)
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